For 30 years, Neopolitan Lighthouse’s Board of Directors and staff have been dedicated to promoting the safety, emotional, educational, and practical needs of abused victims and their children. Neopolitan Lighthouse will work towards educating the public as well as the legal system on respecting the rights of victims of abuse. We will engage in any and all legal activities to accomplish the eradication of domestic violence.
Neopolitan Lighthouse offers several different programs that are designed to empower victims of abuse and their children, promote self-sufficiency and self-reliance, and discourage the continuation of violence within the community.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s 25-bed domestic violence shelter offers services to victims and children fleeing from abusive relationships 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To ensure the safety of our clients, Neopolitan Lighthouse’s shelter facility is housed at a confidential location. The shelter offers comfortable accommodations for victims and children in a communal atmosphere. Clients are able to stay at the shelter facility for up to 180 days while they work towards obtaining stable income and housing. During this time, shelter residents are provided with an array of services which include individual and group counseling, case management, advocacy, and Illinois Domestic Violence Act legal advocacy. The shelter facility affords its residents a safe and supportive environment where they can begin to regain control over their lives.
If you or someone you know is in need of shelter, please do not hesitate to call our 24-hour crisis line at (773) 722-0005 for more information. If you do not reside in the Chicago area, you may call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 to locate a domestic violence shelter and/or program near you.
Neopolitan Lighthouse offers emotional support, as well as individual and group counseling to abused survivors and children residing at the shelter. Support groups include discussions on the dynamics of domestic violence, maintaining safe and healthy relationships, positive parenting skills, and IDVA advocacy issues.
The support group format encourages survivors to discuss their experiences in a supportive environment while at the same time offering that support to other victims through their experiences. Many residents participating in our support groups have had very different experiences and may be at different stages in their relationships and in the healing process. This is also an opportunity for survivors to ask questions of other survivors and for counselors to aid in minimizing feelings of isolation and blame as often experienced by survivors of abuse.
Client support staff and case managers also conduct individual counseling sessions where residents can speak confidentially with a client support staff member and personalize their sessions to meet their own needs and goals.
Neopolitan Lighthouse staff recognize the importance of counseling and encourage survivors and children to begin identifying the feelings associated with the violence they have experienced. If necessary, counselors are also available to assist victims and children to locate more long-term counseling and therapy options.
Within the first 48 hours of entering Neopolitan Lighthouse’s shelter facility, each resident is assigned and will meet with a case manager. Each woman will sit down with her case manager and discuss and identify her individual needs and goals in order to achieve independent living after leaving the shelter. The case manager meets with each resident on a weekly basis to discuss options for meeting those goals. Case managers assist residents with locating resources for housing, childcare, and financial assistance. The specific services given to each client are determined by an assessment of the client and family’s needs as well as the client’s specific wishes.
Neopolitan Lighthouse understands that a vital part of a survivor’s recovery process includes ensuring her and her children’s physical safety and well-being. The agency’s legal advocate meets with every woman upon her entry into the shelter. The advocate discusses with each client her legal rights under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 and her legal options, including obtaining an order of protection. Legal groups are held twice a week with the survivors in the shelter to discuss the legal issues pertaining to domestic violence. The legal advocate is also available to accompany victims to both civil and criminal court to provide assistance and emotional support when filing for orders of protection. The legal advocate can also assist and provide referrals for divorce and child support cases. Often it is difficult for victims to face their abusers in court, and the judicial process is sometimes intimidating. The legal advocate is there to answer any questions that the survivor may have about domestic violence and her legal recourse.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s Economic Development and Employment Project (EDEP) was designed to assist victims of domestic violence in securing and retaining gainful employment, acquiring financial literacy, and receiving referrals to job training services. Neopolitan’s shelter, walk-in, and legal advocacy clients are eligible to participate in the EDEP. The goal of the project is to ensure that clients have the resources and assistance that they need in order for them to obtain and maintain economic stability, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance for themselves and their children.
Upon entering the EDEP, each client is given a one-on-one, in-depth assessment to determine her education level, employment history, future employment interests, and needs to achieve her goals. The client is provided with information and guidance so that one may determine the type of job that one would like to have, or the type of educational program that one would like to enroll in. One is then assisted in establishing a plan to achieve her employment and educational goals.
After a client determines the kind of job that one would like to have, staff educates the client about resumes and cover letters, and assists the client in creating a strong resume. The client is provided with copies of their finished resume so that one may apply for jobs in person. EDEP clients are also able to use computers at the EDEP facility and receive assistance in applying for jobs online. Staff ensures that each client has a professional email address where they may send and receive information regarding employment.
In addition to these services, clients in the EDEP participate in informative group sessions that focus on professional dress and speech, telephone etiquette, job searching, resume creation, cover letter writing, and interviewing for jobs. The EDEP director conducts mock job interview groups, which allow clients to get a better understanding of how to approach interview questions and get more practice in interviewing so that they will be more confident during the interviewing process.
To assist clients in finding employment and achieving self-betterment, Neopolitan Lighthouse provides clients in the EDEP with educational services. Adult clients who have not finished high school are assisted in selecting and enrolling in a GED program so that they may obtain their GEDs and find more adequate employment. Neopolitan also assists clients in selecting and enrolling in vocational programs. Neopolitan works with several vocational and trade programs to assist clients in jump starting their careers. Some of these program’s concentrations include culinary arts, security training, taxi driving, plumbing, CNA training, and phlebotomy.
The EDEP provides clients with training in financial literacy so that clients may understand the various financial resources that are available to them and will be better equipped to manage their finances. Within the first two days of entering the EDEP, clients receive assistance in creating a budget using their own income. Clients learn how to prioritize their expenses so that they may spend their money wisely and ensure that their most needed expenses are paid for. Clients also participate in group sessions which teach them about subjects like budgeting, bank accounts, saving money, and credit.
Neopolitan Lighthouse recognizes the devastating effects domestic violence can have on children. An extensive children’s program was created to assist the smallest victims of domestic violence with their healing processes.
Children residing at Neopolitan Lighthouse’s shelter facility receive individual and group counseling, conflict resolution skills, and advocacy services to help them learn to identify and reconcile their feelings associated with the abuse they witnessed or experienced directly. Examples of group topics and activities include safety, arts, feelings, peaceful conflict resolution, family interaction, field trips, structured and non-structured play, etc.
Neopolitan Lighthouse is also committed to ensuring that children do not fall behind academically due to their transition into a shelter facility. Children are required to either remain in their original school or be enrolled in the neighborhood school within 72 hours of their arrival at Neopolitan Lighthouse. Children’s staff assist with the school enrollment of all school-aged children residing at the shelter. The children’s staff provide after-school tutoring and may, with the parent’s consent, meet with teachers to discuss how the children are doing in their new environment.
Children who witness violence may become traumatized and suffer from a variety of psychological symptoms. To address the overt and covert symptoms of trauma, Neopolitan Lighthouse contracts a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) to provide mental health services for children at the shelter facility. The Social Worker also consults with parents to address the parents’ concerns and assist them in providing support for their children.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s walk-in counseling program provides domestic violence victims with supportive counseling. Free individual counseling is available at the administrative office. The walk-in counseling program is designed to assist victims and their children who are in need of domestic violence support services, but for whom shelter is either not needed, appropriate or the option of choice. The walk-in counseling program provides the opportunity for female and male victims to receive support in a private setting where they feel safe and comfortable. Counselors are available to assist victims in examining their situations and exploring possible options. The walk-in counseling program also assists victims who are fulfilling their court mandated domestic violence counseling requirements for the court system and/or the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Walk-in counseling services are also available to former shelter residents who are now living independently. Neopolitan Lighthouse recognizes how difficult the transition from shelter life to independent living can be for some survivors, and how crucial it is for survivors to receive ongoing support during this time. The Walk-in counseling program, therefore, provides an opportunity for victims to receive support as they begin to break the cycles of violence which have affected their lives.
The individual counseling services described above are free for survivors of domestic violence. For more information or to make an appointment, please contact us at (773) 638-0228.
Neopolitan Lighthouse provides legal advocacy outreach services to victims and men who self-identify at civil or criminal court and need to file an Order of Protection, but who are not aware of the procedures, their legal rights, or the resources that are available to them. The Outreach Legal Advocate provides information and counseling on legal rights, available remedies, assistance in completing court documentation, and filing Orders of Protection. The advocate assists clients in obtaining an Emergency Order of Protection, which lasts for 14-21 days. Once the Emergency Order has been obtained, the advocate continues to work with the victim/survivor, providing emotional support and accompanying the client to future court appearances until the Plenary Order of Protection is obtained. This order may last up to 2 years.
Neopolitan’s Outreach Legal Advocate is present at the Chicago Domestic Violence Courthouse at 555 W. Harrison Street every week from Monday through Thursday, 8 am to 3 pm. Individuals seeking assistance in obtaining an Order of Protection may call 312-964-5056, Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s Outreach Legal Advocate does NOT provide general legal advice and is NOT an attorney. The Outreach Legal Advocate is there to provide information and support.
For more information on Orders of Protection, see our web site page under “Get Help.”
Remember: Domestic Violence IS a crime, that is punishable by law.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s Youth Violence Prevention Initiative was designed in response to the lack of available violence support services for children and adolescents on the west side of Chicago. Whether it is the effects of being raised in an abusive household where a parent or family member is a victim of domestic violence, or being involved in a bullying situation, youth are impacted in many ways by violence. Neopolitan Lighthouse’s Outreach Coordinator provides children and teens with domestic violence counseling, anti-bullying advocacy, education, and referral information as needed.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s Outreach Coordinator works with local schools to educate students about bullying and family violence. The Outreach Coordinator provides educational programs to increase awareness about bullying and family violence to students at local elementary and middle schools. The project reaches students in grades 9th through college.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s educational programs include information on the dynamics of bullying and domestic violence, achieving healthy relationships, and peaceful conflict resolution skills. The students participate in several violence prevention sessions which incorporate the use of lectures, discussions, games, small group activities, and role-playing techniques. The students also consider how violence portrayed in the news, magazines, television, movies, music, etc., contributes to domestic and societal violence.
Neopolitan Lighthouse’s Outreach Coordinator also conducts violence prevention programs at local area youth centers, teen parenting programs, and church youth groups.
For more information about our youth programs, please contact Neopolitan Lighthouse at (312) 964-5056.
If you have a general question, please call our main phone line: (312) 964-5056
If your matter is of an urgent nature or if you require emergency shelter, you may call our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (773) 722-0005
administrative Location
Chicago, IL
All Rights Reserved | Neopolitan Lighthouse